Tuesday, March 14, 2017

God loves to hide Upgrades for us in our Circumstances- Graham Cooke

When we are learning how to walk with God, we are submitting ourselves to the way that He thinks. This means that we are submitting ourselves to the way He perceives the situation to be from His own heart, affection, and intentionality.
Submitting to God in this manner, positions us to actually receive an upgrade, something that actually improves the situation or works to your advantage.

God loves to hide upgrades for us in our circumstances. Every single situation, good, bad, or ugly, has something tangible in it for us to receive and enjoy.6

God intends that we would be lacking in nothing no matter the situation. Think about James 1:2:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”
Every circumstance you have is an opportunity for you to think brilliantly about God, yourself, and the situation you are in. The mind of Christ is the most profound, dynamic, incredible, and amazing way of thinking ever. He sees things that you could not even imagine by yourself. The mind of Christ opens you up to see what Heaven is doing.

Your starting place always guarantees the outcome.

Sometimes we get so hung up with the situation, we cannot see anything else. We let it get so close to us we can only see the actual problem. If we keep our focus there, we will miss out on the upgrade that God has for us.
If you start from a bad place in your thinking, you are not going to like the outcome. But if you start from the place that God has actually assigned to that issue, you can stand with Him and connect to your upgrade.
When you find this place in God, stand in it, embrace it, and confess it back to Him. You have a guaranteed outcome from this place because God is releasing an upgrade in your life.  LINK
PS) For a more practical guide to this type of thinking, be sure to check out “The Art of Thinking Brilliantly.” Listen on CD or MP3 here or watch on video here.

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