Tuesday, March 7, 2017


 Waking Up Slowly: Spiritual Lessons from My Dog, My Kids, Critters, and Other Unexpected Places by [Burchett, Dave]

What if we are stubbing our toes on the sacred every day and not realizing it?
We are the most connected culture in history but arguably the most disconnected from the awareness of God’s presence. Waking Up Slowly is author Dave Burchett’s personal challenge to live “in the moment” and find the everyday joys he misses in disconnected busyness.

What moments of joy do we inadvertently miss as we stare at our screens? What performance idols destroy our ability to appreciate God’s gifts?

Dave Burchett sets out to find out how life might look differently if he awoke each morning consciously looking for the easy to miss “postcards from God.” Waking Up Slowly is an intimate, warm, and touching story of discovering how to more fully appreciate living in the moment. During his discovery, the author finds regular reminders of daily joys from his Labrador pal, Maggie.

Waking Up Slowly challenges the reader to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the ways that God reveals himself daily. Through regular people, everyday situations, cuddly creatures, and stunning nature, God’s presence is real and discoverable. We just need to wake up to it.   AMAZON BOOKS 4 STARS

Living more fully in the moment. That's the first thing that hit me as I read this book.  And it was part of the theme as the book went on. 
I really enjoyed the insight that the author offered in the introduction. His early morning, "before coffee" Good Morning prayer.  He mentioned that he wrote it down so that he could remember it when he might still be  getting over his early morning waking up fog.  At the end of each chapter is a short section called, "God's Take" and " A Dose of Grace." 

One of my favorite chapters had to do with "stinking thinking", it was quite the revelation.  There was even a list of symptoms, which I didn't expect to see.  Another thing that I liked about this book was that there were suggestions made but there weren't overwhelming.  
And yes to answer people's questions, there will be scripture

Another favorite chapter is about seeing life through the eyes of a child. The author made mention of a statement by Betty Smith from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn".  It really got my attention because its something that has been brought to my attention more than once lately.  And this is it, "Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first time or the last time."  That is the part I am trying to keep reminding myself.  The quote did go on to say that, "Thus is your time on earth filled with glory. '' 

On another note, I did notice that each of the chapters weren't really long but they did contain nuggets, that made it worthwhile.

How have I woken up to the ways God reveals himself in my life? This may sound kind of ironic when it comes to waking up to God but one of the major ways, is that I pay attention to my dreams at night.  When I wake up in the morning, I often find that God is trying to speak to me as I sleep.  I have a pen and paper next to my bed to jot things down. 
I also keep an eye on God showing me patterns in things happening around me.  Lastly, I on purpose look for little surprises throughout the day.  Things that made me smile, a bit of favor shown here and there.  Anything good, I know came from God.  It makes me even more thankful.   God knows what I like. 

To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I need to mention that Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

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