Friday, March 17, 2017


Gotcha! (Sisterhood Book 21) by [Michaels, Fern] 
Revenge Is Never Outdated

Sometimes, justice is a long time coming. That's the case with Julie Wyatt, whose story strikes close to home for the original founder of the Sisterhood, Myra Rutledge, and her best friend--and fellow Sister--Annie. Julie is convinced her greedy daughter-in-law Darlene had something to do with the mysterious circumstances surrounding her son Larry's death. She desperately wants to get a confession out of Darlene--and to ensure the safety of Larry's daughter, Olivia. As Myra, Annie, and their cohorts dig deeper into Darlene's shady dealings, events unfurl in a way that no one could have predicted, bringing to light the true meaning of loyalty and courage--and the kind of friendship that can create miracles.AMAZON  4 stars

I liked this book but it was different.  We start out with Myra and Anne being the focus point of the story in the beginning pages,; the ones who will be rushing to the rescue.  It's a mission that they can identify with and brings tears to their eyes. That's the opener, Julia Wyatt's need has slipped through the cracks and it wasn't anyone's fault.   But now that the two older ladies know about it, they plan to follow it up, in true vigilante style meaning "whatever it takes."  Then the story shifts to Julie's story both past and present.  Mace Carlisle and Oliver Goldfeld will be added to the story through Julie.  As well as 3 interesting and unique dogs.  The book stays focused on these characters for most of the story and finally Myra and Annie show up and quickly become friends with Julie.  I can see why.  It's partly about getting revenge for her ex-daughter-in-law's dealings (and that includes her boyfriend too) but the most important thing is getting her grand-daughter Olivia back safe in her arms.
The Vigilantes don't get to work until the last part of the book but as usual they do shake things up.
Something that got me thinking though was this.  If Darlene and her boyfriend Adam identity has been erased (Thanks to Abner), why would Julie need her signature to get custody among other things?  Wouldn't that be already taken care of?  Although I can see that she wanted it all legal like since grandparents didn't automatically have rights to custody.    No loopholes maybe?

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