Tuesday, July 7, 2015

BOOK REVIEW- Your Sacred Yes

BOOK REVIEW- Your Sacred Yes- Women today are stretched thin, worn weary, and tired of living hurried lives. And nothing drains us more than signing up for things God never asked us to do, even if they are well-intentioned. Yet, all too often that's exactly where we lose our way.

In Your Sacred Yes, Susie Larson shares personal stories and biblical insights to help you:

· Learn how--and when--to say no without guilt or shame
· Say yes to life-giving, not life-draining, activities
· Find joy and abundance, fulfillment and freedom, each day

When we can't, or won't, say no, we become captive to our commitments instead of free to respond to God's invitations. Here is your chance to say no to others' obligations and yes to the One who will rejuvenate your weary soul. Will you say yes?  AMAZON

What an interesting Introduction by Gary Thomas.  I say this because very few really hit my radar as really interesting. When they do I try to remember to mention it in my reviews.  What got my attention?  The fact that he said he often races through books he's asked to endorse because he is so aware of the deadline looming.  BUT...in this case he was lead to read a chapter a day.  The reason being, this book was something he felt needed to become a part of him, to let it nuture his spirit.  I really liked that.  Susie's Introduction also had a good point about because of our crazy paced culture have we given away  a mindset that  that looks for and enjoys the presece of God.  Excellent point!   We say "yes" to so many events or obligations  that push out our time with God.  Nothing drains us more than signing up for things God never asked us to do.  Another Excellent point.  This is a great get a reality check book, not just something you can just read by zooming through.  It has at the end of each chapter, a prayer, Personal Revelation steps, a Wise Word,  Group Discussion starters, ending with a Faith Delaration.  
I love the fact that she brought up the idea of "so you said yes, instead of no. So what price did you pay fo it?".    I learned this lesson the hard way many years ago.  Through that experience, the Lord taught me that "No" is also an anointed word and I don't have to give a reason for the no.  I sucummbed to pressure to work in a volunteer postion in ministry for a one time thing.  I kept saying no, and gave a reason.  For every "reason" the person had an answer.  When I finally said a reluctant okay, the person said, "Oh, I was hoping you would say no so it wouldn't have to be done."  Really?  And to top it off not only did I disliked every minute of doing the "play" I wasn't very good at it.   I decided right then that like the author said, there was a price to pay and I didn't like the price one bit.  Needless to say that bit of pain taught me something I have never forgotten.  I almost think I should thank the person who taught it but of course I can't, they don't realize what happened.    
Susie also drew a really good verbal picture of seeing Jesus seated, waiting to meet with us personally.  When we sense that  God is trying to get our attention, He is..trying to get our attention.  Watch for the Bonus Chapter of Faith and Fitness Challenges, another really good study aid in the book.  
I think this book is a keeper in my personal library because its going to take more time to work my way through more of the exercises. 

I chose this book, knowing a little bit about the author as I follow her on Facebook and really enjoy her posts.   I think that I did that after reading a pevious devotional by her.  

I received a copy of this book through Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. 

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