Tuesday, January 12, 2016

If you are warring against Jezebel & its puppets

If you are warring against Jezebel and its puppets, here's a prayer you can pray: Pray this with us:
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, and I ask you to give me discernment to recognize the spirits of Jezebel, Ahab, false prophets, eunuchs, and Jezebel’s spiritual children influencing my life.
I repent, Lord, for aligning my heart with the spirit of this world that has distracted me from Your voice and Your love and allowed these spirits to work against Your purpose in my life.
I break agreement with every spirit that is not of You, right now, in Your name. Please help me not to make snap judgments about spiritual warfare, but to discern the enemy’s plot against me so that I can bind these assignments and walk free from the temptations Jezebel uses to capture my attention.
Give me a fresh revelation of my position and authority in Christ, His love for me, His spiritual armor, His blood, and His will. By Your grace, I commit to preserving my heart from the seducing, idolatrous, immoral agenda that Jezebel is forwarding in this age. Amen.   LINK

Jezebel's Puppets by Jennifer LeClaire, http://goo.gl/3pjBrd

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