Wednesday, January 27, 2016

3 Ways Leaders (Who May Not Have A Prophetic Gift) Hear God’s Voice

Word from God Miracle

Do you lack confidence in your prophetic ability when you compare yourself to those who are stronger in the prophetic gift or ministry? Today I want to encourage you. If you are not in ministry leadership, remember that you are a leader in your own life as well as in roles such as your family, work and relationships.
One surprising outcome of my prophetic training sessions has been that leaders and pastors who do not consider they have a prophetic gift come away greatly encouraged.This is because they:
  • Are affirmed in their ability to hear from God personally and as a leader
  • Realise that the role of prophecy is primarily to confirm and support what God is already speaking to them as leaders (or what He will speak to them about in the future)
  • Are empowered to oversee and pastor prophetic team members
  • Gain insights to help them weigh up prophetic words, gifts and ministries
‘Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.’ (Acts 20:28a)
On the other hand, those attendees who do have a strong prophetic gift understand that their pastors and leaders have a God-given mandate, both to lead them and to weigh up their prophetic insights. They are encouraged to honour their leaders’ ability to hear the voice of God in the context of their leadership role.

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