Friday, January 29, 2016

What U really need to Learn (p)

In key #6 we talked about the reference to The Prophet Habakkuk when he said, "I will stand my watch ... and watch to see what He will say to me ..." Then the Lord answered him and said, "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets ..." (Habakkuk 2:1-2).

We talked about how we need to recognize that God also speaks in impressions, images, pictures and vision. The eyes of your heart are able to see. We can "see what He will say" when we allow images from heaven to come as spontaneous pictures which light upon our minds. These can easily be pushed aside if we dismiss them because they don't make sense or if we are preoccupied with a multitude of business.

So here is the final key:

Key #7 - Write down the flow of images and thoughts that arise, and do so uncritically, suspending judgement. Forget grammar, forget spelling and avoid excessive theological evaluation. There will be an opportunity to discern, refine and sift your answers out later. But at this moment we are exercising faith for God to put something into our fisherman's net. Jesus taught that the kingdom is like a net that caught all kinds of fish. After it was dragged to shore the fish could be separated into categories, good and bad. So place your pen down on the page and simply start to write the faintest impression.

Ask God to show you what you need to run with, and to weed out that which is not of Him. Continue to get to know God, His nature, His heart, share your revelations with trusted friends. Conversing with and hearing God is part of an ongoing relationship with Him. Give yourself time to develop an ear for Him. Continue to get to know Who He is and the more and more obvious it will be to know His voice.

You are precious sheep. And God wants to speak to YOU!

As One!

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