Friday, January 8, 2016

Deliver me from Negative Self-Talk

Changing your words will change your life!
God wants you to be fulfilled and at peace. No matter what you are facing, peace is possible. Open your heart and let Him in. Allow Him to lead you to a new state of mind. One that overflows with peace and joy. An emotional Garden of Eden where your life is beautiful, every need is met in abundance, and your soul prospers. e joy of the Lord is truly your strength. God is love, and He loves you so much. He wants you to know that you are fantastic in His eyes. You were created by love, for love, and in love. Nothing can ever separate you from it. You are a magnificent physical expression of God’s unconditional love for all of mankind. When you accept that truth, nothing can stand in your way. God is faithful. He cares about how you feel. He cares what you experience, and He wants you to know that He’s heard your prayer for help.

Speaking and believing grant us access to salvation. Romans 10:9 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” This Scripture offers a very important principle—confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts. Based on that premise, if we say it and believe it, we shall have it. That’s both good news and bad. If you’re speaking blessings, favor, and deliverance that is what you will have. But unfortunately, if you’ve been confessing I’m tired, broke, and sick, you’re going to have just that.

You’re going to reap the words that you sow. Whether you hear yourself talking or you’re listening to someone else, words can and do plant seeds in your mind. Those seeds, if tended, will grow. What are you listening to on a regular basis? Are you listening to yourself condemn and criticize all day? Or is there someone near to you who fills your ears with gossip and defamation? If your ears are being filled with negativity, you’re going to have to change that and quick. Take your ears somewhere else. If you can’t remove yourself from the environment, learn to speak up and change the subject. If the problem is you, it’s time to make some changes. Listening to negative words will only activate fear. If faith comes by hearing the Word of God—life—then it stands to reason that fear comes by hearing the opposite—words of death and despair.

When we hear the Word taught, preached, or recited, it is sown into the soil of our minds. As we think about the words we hear, something happens in our spirit. If we’re open and receptive, we begin to feel uplifted and encouraged. We may even shout Hallelujah! orAmen! The more we meditate on the Word, the more we believe it. Before long we’re not just thinking and believing, we’re talking about it too. Faith comes from hearing God’s Word (see Romans 10:17). Fear subsides, faith increases, and doubt has to surrender. Change what you hear, and you will change what you think. Change what you think, and you will change your life. 

- Lynn R. Davis, author of Deliver Me From Negative Self-Talk


The mother of two boys, Lynn R. Davis lives on the outskirts of Austin, Texas where she is the oldest of six siblings and the doting aunt of five nieces and eleven nephews. Her major goal in life is to encourage, inspire, and uplift. Lynn has an educational background in business administration from Huston-Tillotson University at Austin and a Master’s of Science in Leadership & Ethics from Saint Edwards University at Austin.

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