Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Accentuate the Positive- FLYLADY


Dear Friends,
There is bad news everywhere. We see it on TV, we hear it on the radio, we read it in the newspaper, we get it in email, on Facebook, and we hear it from friends and family. Our precious minds are being bombarded with this negativity. Negativity is just another form of clutter. We can't organize clutter; we have to get rid it.
This bad news is a cancer. It makes us feel bad. That bad feeling flows through you to your family. Children are intuitive. They know when you are upset and so do your animals. We are very honest people and when we try to hide our feelings it just makes it worse. Our family sees right though us.
That cancer eats away at our personalities. We begin to feel desperate and hopeless. The people who suffer most from this feeling are the people you hold dearest. This sadness is hurting my babies. I just want to protect you from this meanness and negativity so that you can create a place of peace in your home.
We have seen it in our emails. People have said some unkind things in our emails. For each bad email I have asked myself; how can I help them? What is this telling me? What can I learn from their tirade? I am seeing people who are scared and in a panic. They don't know where to turn because each place gives them more bad news! Yes we are living in tough economic times but that is because of the lack of confidence. That lack of confidence comes from the perpetual water torture of more bad news. Even when there is good news it is down played with a negative spin.
We have been beaten down by the bad news. We need hope! We are all starving for good news! I may not have a TV channel or a newspaper but I do have a brain, ten fingers and a big mouth. I can do what I can with what I have and I can do it from my own chair.
We are going to Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative! And I need your help! Let's find some funny videos, funny movies, funny TV shows, positive quotes and good news to share with our FlyBabies. We will build a section on our Facebook page. Send your favorite Good News items to  FlyLady@flylady.net with GOOD NEWS in the subject line! 
  I have a special video for you to watch!
Accentuate the Positive - Bette Midler & Bing Crosby
Accentuate the Positive - Bette Midler & Bing Crosby

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