Saturday, October 13, 2018

Let's Take Care of Ourselves!- Barbara Lohr

Dear Readers, I hate hearing about women who’ve been victimized. Don’t become one. Here are a few tips from my heart:
1. Going to a party? Stay with your friends. Never leave a party alone.
2. Pour your own drink; keep it with you.
3. Grocery shopping? Throw your purse in the front seat. Lock and then unload.
4. Come out to a flat tire, or broken window? Walk back inside a safe place and call help. Do not stand at the car and call. Be wary of people who approach you offering help.
5. If eggs are thrown at your windshield (the latest diversionary tactic), do not turn on your wipers. You’ll end up with paste and have to stop (and get out). Drive to a safe place and take care of it.
6. Traveling? Don’t walk around with a map open. Or your phone. You’re screaming “Tourist. Rip me off.”
7. Carry a rubber doorstop in your luggage and jam it under your hotel room door once inside (in addition to locking, of course).
8. Put 911 on speed dial.
9. Remember: Mace is never out of place.   
All of this came from the author  Barbara Lohr site
She also has a Facebook page  Barbara Lohr Facebook

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