Sunday, February 21, 2016



Julie Ann Smith, Editor, THE ELIJAH LIST -- For all you intercessors out there, I heard the Lord say,

"Pray like it already happened."

We are living in an unprecedented time of "answered prayer" and the golden bowls (prayers of the saints) of Heaven are being poured to earth - "on earth as it is in Heaven."

I am not talking about "name it and claim it" nor self-seeking prayers, but prayers you've been praying from the heart of God, knowing He prompted you in your prayer times to seek Him, declared His heart over a matter, and believed it to come to pass.

This type of praying shifts our thoughts and attitude towards answered prayer, and increases our faith and confidence in Him. These are the type of prayers Jesus prayed while on the earth and circumstances shifted as Jesus prayed. Jesus was completely confident in His prayer life and declarations He made because He was confident in His Father.

Who or what have you been praying for? Family/friends, restoration, healing, nations, longings fulfilled, promises He's put in your heart? Your prayers have not been in vain, nor for naught, but it's a day of answered prayer... So rejoice, praise Him and "pray like it already happened!"

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