Monday, April 4, 2016

Partner w/Army of Angels

There is a cry of the Spirit to rise up to TAKE AUTHORITY through our partnering with the angels. This is something we must now really understand and really engage in. There are many things the enemy is getting away with- not just because God is "allowing" it -but because we are not stepping up with the partnering authority we have been given. As much as we need to enter into increased unity with each other we must also now enter into increased unity with the angel armies of God. These are now among us in an unprecedented way. They are fully armed, equipped and prepared- totally battle ready for this specific time of kingdom advancement on planet earth. They have been ordered to stomp and romp. We allow them to fully do this by doing our part.
The way we do that is by inviting the angel armies in to every kingdom activity we have and by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit as to what the angels are available to do. It is all out war between kingdoms right now but our Father has orchestrated events so that our side crushes the enemy at almost every turn. Believe me, the enemy is being surprised and is going to be further surprised at what firepower is being released on our behalf. Yes, the devil and his kingdom is very active right now, but you need to know it is a desperate activity.
When the devil gets desperate he increases his taunts and his lies- because that is how his advanced weaponry works. He has very little firepower beyond that. The worst way to assist the devil at this time is to pick up on his desperate taunts and "plans" and release them to the Body of Christ - or anywhere as significant revelation. The most insignificant "revelation" to share right now is whatever the enemy is saying he is going to do. He is desperately undercapitalized in real power right now and so he is looking to find agreement from the very army of God on earth that is here to crush him. DON'T HELP HIM!
There are now going to be increased consequences to those leaders in the Body of Christ who serve as the enemy's advertising agency. You will experience a divine unplugging of your ministry if you continue to serve to dishearten or frighten the King's kids. If you are seeing visions and dreams of the enemy's activities it is for one of two reasons. #1 - You have through a wrong discernment of the times developed a stronghold of negative expectations that is now feeding you delusion in your dreams and visions. Or #2- you have authority to see a plan of the enemy so that you quickly release the angelic antidote to that plan. This is something for all revelatory ones to be aware of. You see to take care of- not spread.
I am viewed at times as one who doesn't see what the enemy is doing- but only releases "positive words". The truth is I see a lot of what the enemy is attempting to do- but as I am shown that- I stop it! If one is really shown a plan of the enemy, it is almost never to broadcast it to the Body of Christ. The authority to see gives the authority to do something about it. This is where working with the angel armies comes in.
How many of you know that the devil would love to interrupt, disrupt or otherwise mar what the Holy Spirit is doing through this huge catalytic convergence at the Azusa Now event April 9, here in LA? (as well as DC) He would like to cause a huge earthquake, or a terrorist event, or in some way devastate or distract. If you have been seeing ANY of that- IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! In the name of Jesus that will not happen! This is how you respond to that idea. "Angel armies of God be released over this event and ensure that the demonic counterpunch cannot even breathe. Make it 100 times worse for the dark side than they even have a grid for. Mighty angels, sent at this time- Suffocate EVERY demonic resistance and every demonic countermeasure. Be stirred to stomp and romp over every platform of resistance to that which the Holy Spirit is now releasing." Now get ready for Show Time.  LINK

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