Saturday, October 24, 2015

Anointed 2 Solve Problems (p)

Lance Wallnau

Here’s the challenge for the church. You’re anointed to solve the problems the world cannot solve. But if all you’re trying to do is solve the problems that are relevant to the church mountain, in the church meeting, in the church context then you’re swimming in too small a tank. If all you do is preach, pray and prophecy you are playing too small a game. At some point David has to lay aside his harp and pick up a slingshot. At some point the Nazarene set aside His carpentry tools and picked up His mantle to cast out devils and inaugurate an insurrection against the gates of Hell.

Our dilemma is almost universal to the body of Christ in every nation. Look at it this way...(imagine I have a whiteboard) ...Joseph is in Jacob’s tent over here, but when it comes to Joseph, God has bigger plans (other side of board) then Jacob’s tent.

So, what is God going to do?

He is going to transport Joseph to Egypt. He is going to put him at the top of the government mountain. What is Joseph anointed to do? He is anointed as a prophet to solve a problem - a GLOBAL economic problem.

What if the church was to assume the responsibility for solving problems the world can’t solve? Do you know what will happen? Wealth of a different sort would be transferred to the kingdom of God - the "wealth of influence"!!!

The problem is this - we look at Jesus’ ministry in signs and wonders and try to replicate it. Here is the problem with that: Jesus was anointed for HIS ASSIGNMENT and you are anointed for YOUR assignment. Some of you are anointed with a slingshot but you want to hang out with a harp. Some are called to be consultants to high level political figures but despise the political process and want to avoid the limelight. Get over it. A city set on a hill cannot be hid and a light is lit for the purpose of illuminating a dark terrain. Wherever there is darkness in the natural you and I are called to access supernatural oil to bring light.

Let me say that again: You are anointed to solve a "secular" problem, a "natural" situation. You are anointed for your own assignment.If you insist on staying near Jacobs tents when you are called to go down into the darkness of Egypt, you will miss your high calling.

The world is waiting for you to show up.

Are you willing to go where the unusual calling of God is taking you?


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