Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Knowing Yourself (A Medieval Romance) or this cover 
BOOK- KNOWING YOURSELF- Kay is entranced with the possibilities which lie before her. Five handsome, willing men are vying for her hand in marriage. The stakes are ownership of a medieval keep perched on the rocky edge of a stormy ocean. Each man seems more stunning than the last, and it is her choice which will reward the prize. 
To make the game even more interesting, Kay is disguised as a handmaiden to her sister, Em, so that she might more freely mingle with the suitors. In this way she can learn their strengths and catch them in their most unguarded moments. 
As the threat of border reivers approaches the keep, Kay finds that her pleasurable pasttime takes on a far more serious overtone. Knowing who to trust and who to depend on becomes a matter of life and death! AMAZON  (When I first read it, the ebook picture was the first one shown)

Five Stars Please  *****
This one is a Keeper as far as I am concerned. I so enjoyed this book; it kept me riveted the whole time. I hate to admit it but one night I stayed up till 1 a.m. reading it. I didn't finish it then and had to continue the next day. I enjoyed the sister's relationship, and the "game" of finding out the truth of the realness of the young men that came a courting. It had such a cat and mouse feel it it at times. I'm not going to put out anything that would ruin it for anyone (spoilers) who hasn't read it yet, because the twists and turns were done so well! For those that think its only a romance novel; it was that and so much more. There was humor,adventure and mysteries as well. The MC, Kay had such courage, spunk, resonsibility and love for not only her family but those of her kingdom.
P.S. As a side note, I liked the cover picture but the title kind of threw me. Would be interesting to know why the author picked that particular title. Maybe the story explained but I guess I didnt get it if it did.

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