Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Had a "duh" moment

Or a Light bulb moment, whatever you want to call it!
Maybe Revelation, even.
It happened several days ago.
I had eaten and an hour later
Just didn't make ANY sense to me.
It had happened several times before.
? What's going on ?
Drum roll please!
It wasn't physical hunger.
It was spiritual hunger.
I was spiritually hungry;
and no amount of natural food was gonna fill that.
No natural THING is going to fill a spiritual need.
How many times have I tried to do exactly that?
I think I need to thank Keith Moore because
he helped set off that revelation from something
he was teaching while on T.V.
I'd heard it before, its just that this time I REALLY heard it.
Now that I've REALLY heard it, I can do something WITH it.
Keith Moore

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