Saturday, April 18, 2015

Finding Courage by Tapping the Mind of God

Finding Courage by Tapping the Mind of God-Charisma Magazine cover

Defeat the Mental Giants
Jesus came to defeat the giants of death, hell and the grave. When your giant is defeated, you know in your heart you're going to give God credit. You know you won't praise your willpower, creativity or even your education.  
Think about your thought archaeology and start eliminating the stories and bad theology that lead you away from an effective Christian life and walk with God.
Move boldly to the frontlines and start living every day to the glory of God. He hasn't given you a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind (see 2 Tim. 1:7). A mind war is the collision of anti-God thoughts against God thoughts. If you are constantly thinking and living differently than you desire to be, then dig deeper into why you are thinking the way you are. Confront the embedded lies deep within your personal view of God, the world, yourself and the giants around you. Your mind war starts by confronting thoughts that push you into a powerless attitude of retreat and negativity.
Don't let your giant implement idea training into your life. Giants will work overtime to barrage you with threats that are specific to your own situation. His first big milestone in your defeat is to get you repeating the threats that he's planted in your head.
Reject those threats and live like young David, seeing a different reality from what the giant is suggesting and attempting to do.
Stop allowing the mysteries of how and why God would love us to keep you from thinking and walking in that love every day, all to the glory of God.

Mike Rakes serves as the lead pastor of Winston-Salem First in North Carolina with his wife, Darla. Rakes has an M.A. in biblical literature and a M.Div. and D.Min. from Biola University. He is passionate about the spiritual health of the U.S. church and is committed to mobilizing faith communities for God and the good of humanity.

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