Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stifff Neck Tip


Here's a trick to relax a stiff neck:
This comes from Prevention Magazine...

A stiff neck is usually due to poor circulation and slowed lymph flow to muscle tissues. To combat it, use "contrast hydrotherapy" - meaning a quick blast of hot, then cold water. That'll get the blood pumping again. 
So in the shower, first run hot water over your neck for 20 seconds to increase blood flow, then switch to cold for 10 seconds to constrict blood flow. Alternate three times, always ending with cold.
When you get out of the shower, your body will send the blood back out to the skin, which results in a final dilation of blood vessels and a looser neck.
Or try hot and icy compresses, if you don't have time for a shower.

Expert: Naturopathic medical expert, Laurie Steelsmith

Be sure to check out the comments on the facebook post.
Here is one of them:

  • This is awesome hydrotherapy I've taught my clients for 23 yrs now. It works!! Half the amount of time on the cold. It's all about getting the blood with oxygen and nutrients into the muscles. Happy muscles happy nerves. Increases Range of Motion. Like adding water to a dried out sponge.

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