Friday, March 7, 2014



Christ Maketh Thee Whole! by Brenda Kunneman

“Know that wholeness is yours this day, says the Lord. For yes, Christ maketh thee whole, so it’s time to believe it, respond to it and know that it’s yours!”

Prophetic Scripture:
And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed. And he arose immediately (Acts 9:34).

In Acts 9:32-35, the Bible tells a story of a man named Aeneas who had the palsy for eight years. Peter commands the man to get up from his bed of sickness for which he receives an instant miracle. The miracle got so much attention that it caused two cities to experience revival. Acts 9:35 says, “And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord.” The only ingredient we find that led to the miracle was Peter’s command of “Christ maketh thee whole” coupled with his command for Aeneas to get up and make his bed. The man must have believed it, because he obeyed the command and got up, even while he looked bound to the bed! His one act to believe he was whole caused him to get up and it resulted in an outbreak of revival!

Jesus Christ is making you whole today in whatever area needs it—physically, emotionally, or spiritually. What could potentially happen if you believe in the wholeness Jesus is giving you and decide to “get up”? Loved ones, co-workers, or even a town of people may come to the Lord when they see your miracle. Like Aeneas, it may look impossible for you to get up today. But like Aeneas, it’s also time to believe Jesus Christ maketh thee whole and respond in agreement with that wonderful command!

Father, I thank You that Jesus Christ makes me whole today. I choose to get up from my places of sickness and brokenness and I walk in wholeness. Lord, use the miracle of my wholeness to reach people with the miracle of the Gospel, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Art by Janet Hyun

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