Saturday, July 20, 2013

The FlyLady- Relearning How to Play

When our homes are cluttered and CHAOS reigns supreme, we don't have time to do the things that fulfill us! So that gets put on the back burner and the flame begins to die! That little flame is the passion that is inside of you! How sad that we have hidden our little light under a bushel basket all because we don't think we have time! 

So what is your talent? I never knew what mine was until I got my home in order! I always knew I could do anything I set my mind to do, but I never knew my talent was in writing and motivating! It was only 4 months after I started my routines that I began writing! It even shocked me! At that time I was still caught up in my perfectionism and wanted it to be just perfect before I would let anyone see it. It is much more fun now! I write to my hearts content and give it to the world every day! It may have mistakes, but no one is perfect and I feel great about the message. 
TO READ THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE...go here.....FlyLady- Relearning how to Play

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