This is a story of not only a younger man being mentored by his old pastor during a time of deep discouragement but also a story of the passing of the torch from one generation to another.
Personal, gentle and sometimes not so gentle sharing of stories and wisdom's from someone who has walked before us. Just like the subtitle says. The passion and humor, and honesty that the old pastor shares and the relationship between the 2 pastors is beautiful to read; it just flows with life.
When I was thinking of choosing this book, I had read something about it being a book written "In lyrical prose," and I almost didn't order it. To be honest, I was afraid I would hate a book written in a "poetry" style. I'm so glad that I went ahead and ordered it, because I absolutely loved the book. When the phrase was used "lyrical prose" it was meant in a which more liberal way than I thought. I learned so much from what was shared; things to add to my walk in life too!
I also am friends with many different ministers who could use the encouragement and wisdom that this book has to offer. In fact, I plan on passing this book to one of them as soon as I can. Another "group" of people who could benefit from this book (and enjoy) is those that think being a minister is all sunshine and roses. It would give them a very true insight into the sacrifices that they make and the hurts they endure; that others don't always get to see. Its sad to say that some totally forget that they are human beings just like us and we can hurt and damage them instead of joining together with them as brothers and sisters and praying for them and their families. As you can see I am passionate about this. It was a beautiful, beautiful story no matter what else can be said about it and I hope it energizes people for years to come.
I received this book free from the publisher through the Book
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