Sunday, September 24, 2023

+BOUGHT/BOOK REVIEW- I Talk Back to the devil by A.W. Tozer (edited by Gerald B. Smith)


These essays will strengthen the faith of every Christian. In his usual pithy style, Tozer challenges the believer to stop running from the devil and instead, boldy enter "lion country.These essays will strengthen the faith of every Christian. In his usual pithy style, Tozer challenges the believer to stop running from the devil and instead, boldy enter "lion country.


Tozer starts out by saying a lot of what he will share will ruffle some feathers but he is determined to speak truth.  And I'm sure it did upset some people but he is clear in what he says.

Look Beyond Modern Terms-  this section is so enlightening even though it is short.  Enlightening because it's even more true in our more current times. Why do I say that?  Because so much has been watered down and mixed up with the opinions of men.  Relying on their human "wisdom" versus digging deeper into the truth. Taking shortcuts instead of getting to know God for themselves.   

It is also filled with other nuggets that are helpful.  One of my favorites is when Tozer addresses why do we put up with stuff from the devil?  In particular with it comes to dealing with heaviness and oppression that comes against Christians.  This is how he dealt with it himself and its helpful now: 

Now Lord,, I have had enough of this- I refuse to take any more of this heaviness and oppression! This does not come from God- this comes from my enemy the devil! Lord,in Jesus Name I will not take this any longer- through Jesus Christ I am Victor.


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