Thursday, January 2, 2014

NEW/ Word for 2014 / Lance Wallnau

 ONE BIG word for this year…is.."NEW"…..there is something new even in the feel of if. Those things God spoke in the past that you gave up on are going to come back into your thought stream relentlessly….because its time to do them, When that happens it will be - new. 

Heaven is going to wrap up some previous cycles and bring closure to the stops and resistance of the past. He will gather it in his fist and link much of it into the new thing He is doing.

Keep you heart plugged into 3rd heaven- the place of great grace, free from offense and fear. Second heaven is a realm where "spiritual wickedness and the powers of the air" operate (according to the Bible.) In this realm your offense will get stronger and you'll actually think God is telling you things He isn't. It can happen to anyone. 90% of angry preachers are operating out of second heaven, not third. 

Third heaven living is for the pure of heart. Those who are not weighed down by cares and offenses of this life. However those who can live from third heaven have the authority of peace on them to make spiritually clean legislative decisions over matters. 

more to come on this

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