Thursday, October 6, 2022

***Book Review- Vanessa Jared's Got a Man (A Novel ) by LaQuette


Multicultural Interest, Romance 
 Vanessa Jared, a 40-something divorcee, decided that the best way to pull herself out of their post-divorce slump was to form The Savvy, Sexy, Singles Club and start the "Do Me" portion of her and her friends' lives.

But on the two year anniversary, a sexy sheriff shows up on Vanessa's doorstep wanting her to help him keep his little sister from marrying her no-good ex. Vanessa is not down for this at all. She wants nothing to do with her ex...until she spots a photo of her ex's new fiancee wearing her grandmother's ring--which he clearly stole from her. So now it's on. Vanessa is ready to take this trifling (fill-in-the-blank) down. What she does not expect is to fall in love along the way.
I just flew through this book.  And no, it wasn't because I  just wanted to get it over with.  But yes, I was surprised with how much I liked it and with how quickly I did.  I loved me some Vanessa. What a woman she was and what she had survived! 
Vanessa's two besties, Janae and  Cree carried their weight when it came to their developing friendships.  "Savvy, Sexy and Single" was the mantra that they came up for the small group they made.  I kept thinking "SSS" would have been a good way to refer to themselves as well.  But maybe not, because they needed to say the 3 words to remind themselves of who they were.  Some of their conversations were hilarious! So I can put humor on the list of why I loved this story.
Vanessa and Michael each sharing their point of view was another point in this book's favor. 
 Michael, now that sheriff was unlike any man that Vanessa has ever encountered before.  And he's coming across as a really good guy.  It only causes Vanessa to question that.  She battles with questioning if he's really as caring as he seems.  Of course they are both fighting the intense attraction.  To their way of thinking it couldn't happen at the worst time.
Speaking of the worst timing...the confrontation with Vanessa's ex was jaw dropping.  But also so well done !  I would have so liked Vanessa's ex to go to jail for theft though !! Other than that I liked how the story ended and would like to get Janae and Cree's stories too!
On a final note:  I got so much enjoyment out of the Queen talk.  If you looked in my book you would see many of those sentences highlighted! If that confuses you, it had to do with the women recognizing that they had value and deserved to be treated well.  I liked that didn't mean that they were arrogant or acting like they were entitled.  Just valued, in spunky style! 

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”


(through NetGalley)


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