Tuesday, December 12, 2017


The Sheriff's Woman by [Weger, Jackie]
Life-long bachelor and ex-Marine, Sheriff Garrett Stark knows how to get the job done so it stays done--until he tangles with Rachel Cameron. Then all bets are off.  Rachel knows him. He's the man she despises most in life, but she does not anticipate the raft of dizzying emotions she feels in the face of Garrett Stark's steadfast and resolute desire to make her life better. She wants Garrett to mind his own business. So. He does. His business is Rachel and he's all in.

A good story.  It also had some really good main characters.  But  wow was Rachel RUDE to Garrett..all the time, for a long time.  It was incredible what he put up with.  And he was a good guy and a lonely one. That emotion came through pretty well.   Even though he had a good family he also wanted his own family too. That line in the book information about him tangling with Rachel?  It was spot on, tangling was exactly the right word.  And she had so much on her plate, it's surprising that she has any energy left to be so hostile.  But she was also running from some painful truths.   Her life was pretty harsh and she was just eking out a living for herself and her children.  Her son Pete tried so hard to be the "man of the house" but he was just a little boy.  It galls Rachel even more that Pete responds so strongly to Garrett kindness to him.  Each one of the children is so different and it was easy to have them draw you into the story more.  Caroline, was one tough cookie; actually quite a bit like her mother.  She was a hoot!  And the youngest Sara, marched to the beat of her own drum.  
I liked the dual P.O.V.'s in the story.  And there was also some other good secondary people in the story also.  
On a side note, it just seems like problem after problem began to stack up on Rachel's shoulders.  Even when people try to help her, she just can't seem to catch a break.  It kept things active and moving; keeping my interest through out.  I was glad when Rachel got over her hate-on with Garrett, because for a while in the beginning it was getting hard to really like her.
The H.E.A. was a welcome end to the story and the beginning of a new family. 

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