Sunday, July 20, 2014

P-out and in" and "in and out"! Lance Wallnau


It is written.. "I have prepared your going out and coming in." Yet the Bible also refers to your "coming in and going out." 

What's the difference? 

According to 7M business man Jonathan Wield, "going out and in" is language spoken over kings! They went out into battles and came back in after battles with the spoils of enlarged territories. The priests, on the other hand, "come into Gods presence and go out to do their service."

In the new covenant we are BOTH - "out and in" and "in and out"! The term "royal priesthood" catches it. We are a ROYAL (kingly anointing) combined with a PRIESTHOOD or priestly anointing. Priests come before the throne of grace and Kings overturn the thrones of enemies. One is vertical, going up to heaven and back to earth and the other is horizontal, going out and expanding domain and returning to solidify.

We are BOTH. The believer is called to go up into the presence of God like David and come back from that presence with strength and strategy. From here you go out and take territory from the devil and come back in with increase. Out and In for kings, in and out for priests..both for you.

Having a difficult transition season? God has prepared your going out... and your coming into the new thing He prepared.

-- Lance

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