Thursday, April 24, 2014

*a Cease and Desist Order

Today from Jane Hamon:

A Spiritual Cease and Desist Order!

Daniel chapter 7 tells us about the activity in the court of heaven. God is the Judge and Supreme Ruler and we are the Ekklesia...the church... Which in Greek is the legislative body ruling over the land. 

As we at Vision Church at Christian International have pondered this concept, one of our leaders, Dr. Chuck Lorrain, felt it was appropriate to write a legal statement to be presented in the court of heaven during a time of corporate meeting.

Here is an example of a Cease and Desist Order he wrote for Believers to use in their Appeal to Heaven.

We, the corporate Body of Christ, as the legal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ here on earth, decree and declare to Satan and the powers of darkness the following cease and desist order:

You shall immediately—

Cease and desist your attacks on the physical bodies of the body of Christ

Cease and desist in robbing the financial resources of the body of Christ

Cease and desist in destroying the material possessions of the body of Christ

Cease and desist in stealing the vision of the body of Christ

Cease and desist in interfering with, or causing delay, in the promises of God to the body of Christ.

Cease and desist in causing lethargy and apathy in the body of Christ

Cease and desist in causing dullness of hearing in the body of Christ

Cease and desist in causing diminished vision in the body of Christ

Cease and desist in hindering the voice of the Lord from going forth to the body of Christ.

We further decree and declare that you shall return double of all that you have taken, stolen, or destroyed, with interest, to the body of Christ.

So shall it be executed on this day, the 23rd day of April 2014

So let it be done on earth as it is in heaven—

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