Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How's it Working for me? Complaining that is!

Recently it came to my attention by way of Holy Spirit that I sure am doing alot of complaining!
So basically, CUT IT OUT!  The Bible tells us not to do it- in Philipians 2:14 " Do all things without grumbling & faultfinding & complaining." Well, since there seems to be alot of it, in me,  "where oh  where to start with that?"  You know Holy Spirit will help with even that. The Instruction was to start with the weather of all places. I have to admit that I never put that verse with this instruction before- I thought they were talking about bigger stuff than this!  But its commonplace for all of us to complain about the weather. So common that its a habit. 
So as part of a Fast- negative speaking about the weather started to get rooted OUT. I know this is just the start of walking out that scripture. Its going to spread out into my life into other areas that Holy Spirit & I will be working on together.
Why should I care? Well I do want to obey the Word of God & all that complaining displeases God- I'm not being thankful- and He knows it will hurt me.  When I really look at it, it sure does steal my Joy.

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