Monday, May 4, 2015


BOOK- If I plug my ears, God Can't Tell Me What to do- When God calls us to do hard things, our natural response often goes something like this: “Dear Lord, please note that I am not interested in doing these things because they are hard and uncomfortable. Also, the pay is atrocious and people will think I’m a wacko. Amen.” Or perhaps we try to be more subtle: “I can’t heeeeaaaaarrrr you!” If you’ve ever struggled with what it means to hear God’s call and step out in faith and obedience, then this frank and funny book will help you delve into the nitty-gritty details of following God on the adventures He has for you.  AMAZON LINK

The Title for this book got my attention right away; I loved it.  And it was a good read too.  Very "human" when it came to how we sometimes deal with God when we don't want to hear what He's saying to us.   Just exactly as the book information promised.  There is a liberal amount of scripture included and I like her writing style. The book also has not only stories about people in the Bible but also Christians in our time and their experiences.  Jessie's writing style is easy to read and relate to.  I liked her example of how we often try to play hide n seek with our heavenly Father.  Hiding in plain view when God calls.  What do we think we are doing?  Do we really think He can't see us or see that we are trying to pretend not to hear?  Good grief, He knows our hearts and our every thought.   Also the insight of how boring life can be when we aren't fulfilling our intended purpose.  There also things to ask yourself, throughout the book.  Now that isn't new to me; but what was refreshing was the kind of questions to ask.  They were different from some of the ones I usually run across.  All of the others were good but these had me look at some of the things from a different angle.  That was so helpful.  

I received this book from Discovery House Publishers via NetGalley  in exchange for an honest review.   

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