This about Sadu Singh, an Holy Man from India. He is a Holy Man who became alive with Jesus. The first part of the book is about events in his life seen from him and those who knew him. The second part is taken from interviews and parts of his books and articles. He didn't conform to the usual western evangalists clothing (and style) to spread the gospel; knowing that his people would receive better from someone of their own culture.
Some of the very first impressions that I got as I began to read this book was that this man became spiritually hungry at a very young age. Both his mother and father loved and nutured him well. His mother taught him much when it came to spiritual discipllines; rituals. When it came to his spiritual hunger as he began to observe well respected holy men, strive to work to find God, he found their actions were wasted and they remained unenighltened. He wasn't satisfied and continued in his quest. At fifteen he rebelled; his mother was dead, he began hating going to the missionary school and he was confused and he could find no peace. Their was a prophecy over him that he wasn't like the others and that he would either become a great man of God or he would disgrace his people by going insane. He has an intense experience after crying out for truth.. He beings to follow Yesu, the one whom the Chrisitians followed...and then his journey truly does begin.
I really liked this book, the style that it was written in and the perspective that is given. Humble, simple, thought provoking. Coming from a different country, a different culture, a different thought process was interesting to walk through. Sometimes as Americans I guess we think our way is the only way, even when it comes to Evangalism sad to say. It was good to see that he wasn't intimidated into that. What also struck me was the words (paraphrased) that he was a itinerate barefoot preacher whose heart burned with love, for Jesus and he just HAD to share it.
I reveived this Plough Publishing House book FREE through Handlebar in exchange for an honest review.
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