Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Day 4 of 21 Days of prayer (Note by Steve Shultz: You can follow Chuck's 21 days of prayer 
by checking his Facebook daily at:

"This time of year has much angelic activity. Melinda Richardson sent me this word yesterday! This will speak to you!

Chuck D. Pierce

Melinda Richardson

I could hear the Lord saying, “Do not let the news, circumstances, nor the world feed your ear gate nor spirit man in this season. It is clearly the tactic of the enemy to get you off course and set you on a path not of My choosing.

Do not let this facade of sheer evil dictate how you move, see, nor release from ME. Let Me fuel you! Let Me fuel you even more from the HIGHER place in Me. What I have in store for you, in this time and season, was predestined and preordained before the foundations of the earth. (I Cor. 2:6-7, AMP)

This is how the high places must come down----FROM THE HIGHER PLACE in ME says the ALMIGHTY! (I Cor. 2:10, 12-14, AMP) Take the time and allow Holy Spirit to reconcile TRUTH beyond this world, TRUTH that I alone knew would be needed for such a time as this.

As you re-focus BEYOND the here and now, my Spirit within you will cause you to TRULY rise above this that you see! For I will give you insight into the REAL WAR, GOOD vs. evil, clashing in the heavenlies. Know that my ways are not your ways neither are my thoughts your thoughts. (Isa. 55:8-9, AMP) Re-center and focus on me, spirit to Spirit will DECREE MY plans, strategies and focus for thee! Then you will see and know that you war from a place of MY COMPLETED VICTORY!! Let MY VOICE come up over the voices that are trying to set a course not of ME (Ps. 29) SELAH!

There is a glass ceiling above you that the angels are warring against, very much like when Michael warred in the days of Daniel. I long to break a ceiling over you in the next 21 days. This ceiling needs to break in the next 21 days. Your devotion is My strategy for you to be positioned in a way. No other voice but Mine has power to overthrow the enemy. Devote yourself to Me with a tenacity that you’ve never had before. This is preparation for the WARS ahead!!!”

Michael and the host of heaven are on the move BEHIND the scenes according to Lord of Hosts! Our devotion in earth gives them liberty to win wars on your behalf that you cannot see! ~ Melinda R.


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