Tuesday, July 14, 2015


BOOK REVIEW- ALIVE-A teenage girl awakens to find herself trapped in a coffin. She has no idea who she is, where she is, or how she got there. Fighting her way free brings little relief—she discovers only a room lined with caskets and a handful of equally mystified survivors. Beyond their room lies a corridor filled with bones and dust, but no people . . . and no answers. 
She knows only one thing about herself—her name, M. Savage, which was engraved on the foot of her coffin—yet she finds herself in charge. She is not the biggest among them, or the boldest, but for some reason the others trust her. Now, if they're to have any chance, she must get them to trust each other.  Whatever the truth is, she is determined to find it and confront it. If she has to lead, she will make sure they survive. Maybe there's a way out, a rational explanation, and a fighting chance against the dangers to come. Or maybe a reality they cannot comprehend lies just beyond the next turn.

Quite an unusual beginning..to go along with an unusual story.  Imagine waking up in pain, in the dark, in something like a coffin, unable to move.  Oh yes, and with no memory.   And when some memory comes back, the last thing you remember is being 12 years old. The author did a good job of having you feel what she was going through.     
This is good sci-fi or fantasy or whatever name you put on it.  I wasn't sure at first when I started reading it though.  Earlier on I thought,
" Hmm, I don't know, I might just have to rate this an Okay read."  I think part of that stemmed from the fact that she seemed "lost".  For quite awhile nothing she did seemed to get her many answers.  So as the reader, I was "lost" right along with her.  But as I pushed on, things started to change and I found my liking of it also increased.  The main character, "Savage", or as she later adjusted her name to "Em" was quite a an interesting person.
Was she flawed, Yes.  Did she make mistakes? Yes.  Was she doing the best she could?  Yes.  I really liked her, she just never quit.  You already know from the book information that she ends up in charge of some other lost people but of course its never that easy being in charge.   Part of the story is about the different people and their personalities and the challenges of leadership.  Especially since she is aware she really doesn't KNOW what she's doing.  I don't want to not give anything away, so to the best of my ability there won't be any spoilers in my review.   This kind of mystery, needs to unfold like it is written.  I sure enjoyed it that way and hope others get to also.  I know the author requested politely at the end of the book, to please not  reveal too much  for the same reason  And I agree. 
I will say that there were other interesting people in this book as well. O'Malley and  Bishop just to name a few.
For those that want to know, it could be kind of scary to young children and there is violence in the book (not super graphic though).

On a final note, I believe the author has written this as a good standalone book with a satisfying ending concerning the outcome.  BUT I also believe an opening has been made for future adventures should the author decide to. 

I receive a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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